Who We Are
This ministry was called into being by God the Holy Spirit about twenty-seven years ago. Since its inception we held the philosophy that whatever the Spirit of God laid upon the heart of any believer was to be taken seriously. We don’t do committees where things become beaten down and discarded. We simply ask the Lord for His prompting and then get at it individually and/or corporately but always with the prayer and blessing of one another. So the ministry grew over the years becoming rather diverse at this time.
Each ministry tries to major on the positive teaching of the Word and living it in the same way. We are not legalistic and never will be. We deal with difficult subjects because Christ’s grace becomes most meaningful when we’re aware of sin and its consequences. We want to be Biblically accurate, firm on truth and warmhearted. We don’t beat people verbally; we love them and share the clear word of the Living God.
This congregation and its leadership are dependent upon God and independent of any “forced” issues by any denomination or power factions. We don’t go to seed on any subject other than the cross and Christ crucified, buried, risen, and coming again. The Great Commandment and the Great Commission are what we are perpetually about. We don’t print glorified exploits of any member but give Christ the glory for anything accomplished that has eternal significance.
Our teaching style from the pulpit is intended to be provocative and evocative. These studies come out of research done by the pastor and that of others who have gone before. It comes out of pavement pounding in terms of deep study and accumulated knowledge over decades of study and application. It is never meant to be sticky sweet or promote, if you pardon the expression, thumb sucking Christianity which is so common today due to watered down preaching and a do nothing congregational life. We promote action by every member which results in the Gospel being effectively dispensed with a passion.
We want our folks to enjoy the world God has made, full as it is of nooks and crannies and weirdness. We can learn something about and concerning God every day if … if we keep our eyes and ears open. We enjoy the life to which God has called us.
We stand for factual accuracy and Biblical objectivity in all teaching opportunities in every ministry. Our goal is always salvation and continued maturation, recovery and re-commissioning. We are inclusive rather than exclusive. We look at this world and life through the eyes of God as viewed through God’s Word. We distinguish between issues which are crystal clear in the Word that those which are not. We are not here to defend God. He does that quite well on His own. We simply are here to give out His Word clearly and lovingly.
In all we do we hope to glorify God and enjoy Him right here, right now and throughout eternity. Forever, by the way, begins right now, today!
We do not rule against anything that is enjoyable just because it is enjoyable. God invented enjoyment. All of creation makes that clear. Therefore we are not going to judge someone who listens to so called secular music style so long as the lyrics and beat do not spawn rebellion against decency, morality and God’s authority structure.
We are a full Gospel church which means we preach it from cover to cover for all of it is Gospel, i.e. good news. We recognize that when God judges it is good news for it is designed to recover us, restore us, equip us, strengthen us and give us a testimony. We are charismatic in that we believe God’s word makes us attractive and enjoyable. We are not charismatic in the sense that we demonstrate the sign gifts of the Spirit. We fully understand that God is able to use whatever and whenever to do His will. There is a day coming when sign gifts will again be very active.
We are idealistic to the point that we long for the eternal state which will be perfect but we are realists in that we are fully aware of the fact that this is a fallen world, we are fallen and those around us are as well. Therefore, there will be a constant battle of wills, and issues and goal orientation. We are salt and light to this world which means the world sees us as standing against it but truthfully we stand for God. However they respond to Him they will respond to us until the Spirit convinces them of sin and opens up the door by which we can minister the saving Word and God applies the saving grace.
This is who we are here at Victory. This is where we stand.